Saturday, February 27, 2016

the Queen of Angels

The Angels so adore her
for they know the work she does
with the grace of  Spirit
for she is the holy  Dove

and she brings the Glory
the power of amazing Grace
that inspire the blessings
that millions on earth so seek

She is the queen of angels
and she helps in countless ways
all the beloved children of God
who are praying for help every day

and I wonder why sometimes
we all accept the Angels work
without fear of being labeled
a fanatical Christian by others earth 

and yet she is the queen of Angels
and she is always aware of their work 
with the grace of understanding
and compassion for the world

and the Angels so adore her
they worship her name divine
for the Angels recognize
that she is a Master by Gods design

she is the queen of Angels
and she helps us in such a loving way
be grateful for  the gifts she brings
and share her blessings every day 

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Listen to your heart

listen to your heart beat

can you find a way to hear

what it is that brings you life 

this miracle that is there 

for the greatest gift you have

is the love given for you to find

so cherish this  true blessing

while you are alive

open up this precious gift

release any hidden fears

let the mind discover

the power of love that is right there

let go of any judgement 

for there are things the mind can't know

release all confining thoughts

and let love be in control

listen to your heart 

and let it speak to you

feel this kiss perfect of beauty

that God has given for you to use

say yes to what you heart wants

let you trust that love you are

for this is the greatest gift you have

you hold the love of the creator

it is right there within your heart

Monday, February 22, 2016

every Breath is a Blessing

with every breath we receive
the gift of being alive
every breath is a blessing
and we can become the blessing in life

form and matter United
reflecting here with each birth
the balance of giving and receiving 
that is foundation of this life on earth

so breathe in deep this Holy Spirit
from the source of creation light
breathe in and receive
the gift of being alive

your life is such a blessing
every moment is divine
if you can just believe
you'll find greater purpose in your live

so breathe in deep and receive 
the blessings of great peace
and give to others what you can
to help to serve a higher plan

Sunday, February 21, 2016

listen to the song of Love

listen to the song of love 
let it live in you
listen listen and you will hear
it's message that rings forth loud and clear

listen with the heart
the sound that creation sings.
let it lift you up to heaven 
carried the holy doves wings

let the Mothers love embrace you
be transformed by this divine  light
become the incarnation 
of your souls purpose in this life

listen to the song of love
let it heal your heart
let go of all the fear
and feel of healing start

listen listen and you'll hear
the music of the spheres
for you are creations music
a mirror of heaven on earth living here

Saturday, February 20, 2016

The Holy Chalice

become a holy Chalice
that carries the holy spirits gifts
and as you become open to receive
so shall you be able to give

behold the love of God
Become transformed by infinite light
let go of limitations
and receive this energy into your life

hold the sacred Chalice
that carries the holy spirits gifts
Believe and be open to receive
Then shall you be able to truly give

you are a part of the puzzle
a part bigger picture of life
you can paint from the infinite palette
of the shimmering rainbow of creations light

as you view the bigger picture
you can see how the pieces all fit
and as you learn to receive 
so you can discover how to give

see the beauty of Gods creation
that is alive here in Mother Earth
let the spirit use you too share 
the blessings given with each birth

you are a holy chalice
open your soul to receive
The Mothers sacred nectar
to pour forth her pure energy